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NCYMUN 2018 3rd Edition

By 18 octobre 2018NCYMUN

NCYMUN 3rd edition is very close! Less than one month before the debates begin! Please check your committee’s assignment in the hall and contact your chairs if you did not meet them yet!

Here are all the issues that will be debated in committees.


1.Historical Security Council (UNHSC):

  • Respecting the principles of the Geneva convention of 1929 towards the prisoners of war in 1944
  • Ending the Cuban missile crisis and prevent the world from a WWIII
  • Limiting the proliferation of nuclear arms in 1968
2.Security Council (UNSC):

  • Assuring the protection of civilians during violent, armed and food-induced conflicts
  • Supervising and limiting the proliferation of chemical weapons
3.Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO):

  • Regulating and controlling the use of GMOs
  • Saving water with the contribution of new technologies
  • Ensuring minimum food supply to solve the question of famine with the help of technological improvements

  • Improving the communication between states in order to have a better control on the arrival of migrants
  • Spreading out the migrants equally in the different territories
  • Encouraging the use of technologies to improve migrants’ standards of living
5.Human Rights (UNHR):

  • Eradicating Human Trafficking
  • Respecting privacy at a time of technological change
  • Promoting international human rights while countering terrorism
6.UN Women

  • Improving the conditions of women in South Asia
  • Empowering women and promoting gender equality at every scale through technologies
  • Ensuring the legal and social recognition of women victims of violence (including online harassment)  
7.Historical Committee

  • Preventing the militarisation of space through technological improvements in 1966
  • Stopping the spread of totalitarianism in Europe during the inter-war period
8.EcoSoc 1 (German):

  • Encouraging new technologies in agreement with sustainable development
  • Aiming at a more sustainable technological industry and preserving biodiversity
9.Children’s Fund (UNICEF) (German):

  • Using new technologies in the development of education
  • Protecting children’s rights on the Internet
10.Disarmament and International Security (DISEC) (German):

  • Regulating weapons trafficking and use
  • Assuring stability in the countries which use the atomic energy
11.Unesco Patrimonio (Spanish)

  • Encouraging Globalization and the access to the cultural and human heritage (La globalización y el acceso al patrimonio cultural y humano)
  • Protecting the heritage through the new technologies (Las nuevas tecnologías como forma de proteger el patrimonio)
12.International Labour Organisation (ILO) (Spanish)

  • Improving the working conditions without substituting the humans for the machines. (Mejorar las condiciones de trabajo sin sustituir las máquinas a los hombres)
  • Coping with the issue of child labour (Hacer frente a la cuestión del trabajo infantil)
  • Limiting the brain drain to favour the development of the South and reduce the inequalities. (Reducir la fuga de cerebros para favorecer el desarrollo de los países del Sur y aminorar las desigualdades)
13.World Health Organisation (Spanish)

  • Favor the access to the treatments through the use of new technologies (Favorecer el acceso al cuidado para todos mediante el uso de las nuevas tecnologías)
  • The improvement of human abilities through the technological medicine (La mejora de las capacidades humanas por medio de las tecnologías médicas)
GENERAL ASSEMBLY (all delegates)

  • Promoting renewable energies (Die erneuerbare Energien fördern/Promover las energías


  • Reducing inequalities between countries in terms of technological advances (Ungleichheiten zwischen den Ländern im Bereich der technologischen Fortschritte reduzieren/Reducir las desigualdades entre los países a nivel del avance tecnológico)


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